This section of resources is dedicated to the 2 main outcomes of our project E-SCAPE. These resources are especially dedicated to youth workers, educators and anyone interested to use educational escape rooms as a tool to educate young people and as an alternative to the classic tools used in youth work activities.

This resource contains different interesting elements available for the youth workers who never used educational escape rooms as a tool. Inside the manual you can find:
Research on the state of art of educational escape rooms in Europe and some good practices existing in different countries with stats and data.
What is an educational escape rooms and what are the elements to consider to build one of them.
Tips and tricks as an educator while running an educational escape room.
3 Printable Scenarios and Escape Rooms on the topics of Cyberbullying, Media Literacy and Mental Health you can test and use with young people in your youth space/classroom.
Templates for individual and group reflections, also printable ones if you need.
The Manual will be available in 7 languages (English, Portuguese, Spanish, Estonian, Lithuanian, German, Italian).

This mobile app will be an online educational escape rooms app based on scenarios and competences/topics to be developed decided after a research on the field which will be made with young people around Europe.
This mobile APP will be a tool for education which could be used with mobile phones also offline once downloaded and it will be available for devices ANDROID and IOS.
Inside the app there will be space for educational escape rooms with learning steps and self-reflection support tools, together with a space for the Manual which could be also downloaded from the APP. After a testing phase that will run from September to December 2022, the APP will be released in Play Stores and Apple Stores in January 2023.
The Mobile App will be available in 7 languages (English, Portuguese, Spanish, Estonian, Lithuanian, German, Italian).